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Closed: Have your say on the Council Tax Reduction scheme for Eastbourne

Eastbourne Borough Council is considering changing its Council Tax Reduction scheme to provide more support for people on a low income.

This consultation has now closed. The consultation report is now available to download: EBC Council Tax Reduction Consultation report (PDF, 404 KB) 

The findings of this consultation and any recommendations will be considered at Eastbourne Borough Council Cabinet on Wednesday 12 February at 5pm. The agenda and papers for this meeting will be available on our website on Tuesday 4 February 2025.

From Monday 8 July to Monday 30 September 2024, Eastbourne Borough Council consulted over proposed changes to Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme.


Since April 2013, local authorities have been required to have a local scheme to help working age residents on a low income to pay their Council Tax. This is called the Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme. It works by reducing the amount of Council Tax the person must pay.

The rules of the scheme for people of pension age are set by central government.

The consultation asked for views on the following changes to the scheme for people of working age in Eastbourne:

  1. Increasing the maximum reduction to 100%.
  2. Removing the minimum awards so a claimant can qualify for, and be awarded, less than £5 per week.
  3. Basing a self-employed claimant's income on their actual earnings.

The current Council Tax Reduction scheme for people of working age

The current scheme (2024/25), contains three elements that we are considering changing. 

  1. That the maximum reduction a working age claimant can get is 80% of their Council Tax liability.
  2. That if a claimant qualifies for less than £5 per week, they do not receive any reduction. This is known as the £5 minimum award.
  3. That certain self-employed claimant's earnings are based on the hourly rate of the national living wage of £11.44 X 35. 

Cost of the current scheme

The current cost of the schemes, in terms of Council Tax forgone, and the number of households receiving a reduction at 1 April 2024 is set out below:


Number of households


Working age



Pension age







The cost of the scheme is shared between the organisations that receive a proportion of council tax, called 'preceptors'.

The scheme is shared between Eastbourne Borough Council, East Sussex County Council, Sussex Police, and East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service in proportion to their share of Council Tax receipts.

The table below shows these costs:


Share of Council Tax


Eastbourne Borough Council



East Sussex County Council



Sussex Police



East Sussex Fire & Rescue 







The proposals for 2025/26 which we are consulting over

The council is considering:

  1. Increasing the maximum reduction to 100%.
  2. Removing the minimum awards so a claimant can qualify for, and be awarded, less than £5 per week.
  3. Basing a self-employed claimant's income on their actual earnings.

If these changes are adopted, they will increase the cost of the working age scheme as set out in the tables below (based on 2023/24 Council Tax charges and current caseload levels).

It should be noted that changes in the numbers of working age and pension age claimants will impact on the overall cost of the schemes. 

Changes proposed


100% maximum reduction


No minimum award


Removing the Minimum Income Floor


All changes



What this would mean for the council and other preceptors





Fire and Rescue


 100% maximum reduction






 No minimum award






 Removing the Minimum Income Floor






 All changes







Impact on Eastbourne Borough Council's finances

If the changes are adopted it will result in a reduction in the Council Tax due to the council of £133,043.88.

To offset this potential loss of income the council would need to look for areas for savings and income generation across its services. 

Impact on Council Tax Collection rate

If the minimum award is increased from 80% to 100% the collection rate would be expected to increase.

By increasing the level of Council Tax reduction it will reduce the cost and time associated with collecting small balances. This would enable the additional resource currently funded by the main preceptors to focus on activity to sustain and grow the Tax Base in the future.

For example, this could be by extending the remit to undertake single person discount reviews for working age claimants in receipt of Council Tax reduction.

Scheme rules and examples of how the changes would affect residents

A draft of the scheme rules including the changes are available to download below.

We have also given examples of how the proposed changes would affect various household types.  These examples are based on a Band C council Tax charge of £41.19 per week (£2147.96 per year).

Eastbourne Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2025-26 DRAFT (PDF, 1 MB)

Single Claimant award below £5 per week entitlement (PDF, 142 KB)

Single Claimant on Universal Credit or Income Support (PDF, 140 KB)

Single Claimant with earnings (PDF, 151 KB)

Couple on Universal Credit or Income Support (PDF, 138 KB)

Couple 1 child with earnings (PDF, 139 KB)

Lone Parent with earnings (PDF, 140 KB)

Single Claimant Self Employed No Minimum Income Floor (PDF, 144 KB)

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Last modified on 23 January 2025