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2025 calendars

Waste and recycling calendars for 2025 are now available to download

Cemeteries and crematorium

Services and contact information for Eastbourne Crematorium and cemeteries in Eastbourne and the Lewes District.

Eastbourne Crematorium, Bereavement Services office and Book of Remembrance room

  • Our Bereavement Services office reception is now open weekdays only from Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm.
  • Alternatively you can phone us from Monday to Friday: 9am to 1pm, then 1.30pm to 4pm on 01323 761093 or contact us online (select the Cemeteries or Crematorium option)
  • If you are enquiring about memorials for Eastbourne Crematorium, you can now download our memorial packs, fees and charges.
  • Weekends and bank holidays: closed until further notice

Our main chapel is open on weekdays from 9am - 4:30pm for services only, and at weekends from 9am to 1pm. The chapel is not currently open on Bank Holidays (including Easter). The small Family Chapel is only open for weekday services.

The Book of Remembrance Room is now open on weekdays only, Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm and at weekends from 9am to 1pm.

Eastbourne Crematorium

Eastbourne crematorium is located in Hide Hollow in Langney. It opened in 1960 and we hold the burial records

Cemetery and crematorium fees and charges

Breakdown of the fees and charges for all cemeteries and crematoriums within Lewes and Eastbourne

Eastbourne Crematorium memorials

Find out about various memorials available to commemorate loved ones at Eastbourne Crematorium

Arranging a funeral

Find out about arranging a funeral

Registration of deaths

Find out how to register a death within the Lewes district or Eastbourne borough

Contact bereavement services

All contact information for Bereavement services across Eastbourne and Lewes

Ocklynge Cemetery

Ocklynge Cemetery is the larger of the two cemeteries in the Eastbourne Borough

Langney Cemetery

The cemetery is situated directly behind the Eastbourne Crematorium.

Lewes Cemetery

The site has a small car parking area as well as a chapel.

Seaford Cemetery

Seaford Cemetery is located in the North West of Seaford. The site offers limited car parking and a chapel.

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