Eastbourne Employment Land Local Plan
The Employment Land Local Plan (ELLP) guides job growth and economic development in Eastbourne up to 2027 as well as identifying an appropriate supply of land for future employment development, in order to achieve a sustainable economy and make Eastbourne a town where people want to live and work. It specifically relates to land and buildings within the B1 (Offices and Light Industry), B2 (General Industry) and B8 (Storage and Distribution) Use Classes.
The ELLP provides a review of the Eastbourne Core Strategy Local Plan Policy D2: Economy following concerns from the Planning Inspector over the amount of employment land required in Eastbourne, and the proposed strategy to deliver that requirement.
Lewes Employment Land Local Plan
Lewes does not have an equivalent ELLP. The Local Plan process combined with the Employment Land Review provides a guide to job growth and economic development in Lewes District.
Eastbourne Employment Land Local Plan background and adoption
Adoption of the ELLP
The Eastbourne ELLP was formally adopted by Eastbourne Borough Council on Wednesday 16 November 2016. You can download the ELLP adoption documents and statement below.
Inspector's Report
Eastbourne Borough Council received the Inspector's Report on the examination into the Eastbourne ELLP on 24th October 2016. The Inspector found that the Eastbourne ELLP provides an appropriate basis for the planning of employment land provisions in the borough, provided that a number of modifications are made to it, and that with the recommended modifications the Eastbourne ELLP satisfies the requirements of Section 20(5) of the 2004 Act and meets the criteria for soundness in the National Planning Policy Framework.
You can download the Inspectors Report below. It can also be viewed in hard copy format at the Eastbourne Borough Council offices, Town Hall, Grove Road, Eastbourne, BN21 4UG. Please note however, that our offices are currently closed to the public due to the coronavirus restrictions.
- A proposed Draft ELLP was published for a 12 week consultation period between Friday 20 December 2013 and 14 March 2014
- A Proposed Submission version was published for an 8 week period between December 2014 and February 2015 to receive representation on soundness;
- A Revised Proposed Submission version was published for receipt of representation on issues of 'soundness' for a 6 week period between 11 December 2015 and 22 January 2016;
- A Schedule of Main Modification was published for a 6 week period from 29 July to 9 September 2016 for representations on the soundness of the proposed modifications.
ELLP document library
You can search and filter our document library below for all documents relating to the ELLP up to adoption.
Search results
Eastbourne ELLP SD05 Local Monitoring Report 2014-2015 (Adobe pdf documents)
https://www.lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk/media/2087/Eastbourne-ELLP-SD05-Local-Monitoring-Report-2014-2015/pdf/Eastbourne_ELLP_SD05_Local_Monitoring_Report_2014-2015.pdf?m=1682687543110Eastbourne LOCAL MONITORING REPORT 2014 - 2015 December 2015 EASTBOURNE LOCAL MONITORING REPORT 2014/2015 Regeneration & Planning Policy Eastbourne Borough Coun...
Eastbourne ELLP SD08a Draft Policies Map (Adobe pdf documents)
https://www.lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk/media/2084/Eastbourne-ELLP-SD08a-Draft-Policies-Map/pdf/Eastbourne_ELLP_SD08a_Draft_Policies_Map.pdf?m=1682687542003Eastbourne Policies Map - Feb 2016 copy Ind ica tiv e R out e Pa rt ly D ev el op ed Pa rt ly D ev el op ed D ev el op ed D ev el op ed Unde velo ped / He ritag...
Eastbourne ELLP SD07 Changes to Policies Map (Adobe pdf documents)
https://www.lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk/media/2085/Eastbourne-ELLP-SD07-Changes-to-Policies-Map/pdf/Eastbourne_ELLP_SD07_Changes_to_Policies_Map.pdf?m=1682687542323 -
Eastbourne ELLP SD06 Sustainability Appraisal (Adobe pdf documents)
https://www.lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk/media/2086/Eastbourne-ELLP-SD06-Sustainability-Appraisal/pdf/Eastbourne_ELLP_SD06_Sustainability_Appraisal.pdf?m=1682687542667Microsoft Word - Eastbourne ELLP Revised SA FINAL 151104.docx Eastbourne Borough Council Regeneration & Planning Policy 1 Grove Road Eastbourne BN21 1TW Tel: 01...
Eastbourne ELLP SD03 Statement of Community Involvement (Adobe pdf documents)
https://www.lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk/media/2089/Eastbourne-ELLP-SD03-Statement-of-Community-Involvement/pdf/Eastbourne_ELLP_SD03_Statement_of_Community_Involvement.pdf?m=1682687543633Updated Statement of Community Involvement 2009 Eastbourne STATEMENT OF COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT Technical Update July 2009 The Local Development Framework STATEME...
Eastbourne ELLP SD11 Habitat Regulation Assessment Screening Report (Adobe pdf documents)
https://www.lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk/media/2080/Eastbourne-ELLP-SD11-Habitat-Regulation-Assessment-Screening-Report/pdf/Eastbourne_ELLP_SD11_Habitat_Regulation_Assessment_Screening_Report.pdf?m=1682687540747Eastbourne Borough Council Regeneration & Planning Policy 1 Grove Road Eastbourne BN21 1TW Tel: 01323 410000 Email: planning.policy@eastbourne.gov.uk Web: www.e...
Eastbourne ELLP SD04 Local Development Scheme 2016-2019 (Adobe pdf documents)
https://www.lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk/media/2088/Eastbourne-ELLP-SD04-Local-Development-Scheme-2016-2019/pdf/Eastbourne_ELLP_SD04_Local_Development_Scheme_2016-2019.pdf?m=1682687543390Front Cover Eastbourne LOCAL DEVELOPMENT SCHEME 2016 - 2019 February 2016 EASTBOURNE LOCAL DEVELOPMENT SCHEME 2016-2019 February 2016 Regeneration & Planning Po...
Eastbourne ELLP SD10 Duty to Co-operate Statement (Adobe pdf documents)
https://www.lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk/media/2081/Eastbourne-ELLP-SD10-Duty-to-Co-operate-Statement/pdf/Eastbourne_ELLP_SD10_Duty_to_Co-operate_Statement.pdf?m=1682687541113Eastbourne Borough Council Regeneration & Planning Policy 1 Grove Road Eastbourne BN21 1TW Tel: 01323 410000 Email: planning.policy@eastbourne.gov.uk Web: www.e...
Eastbourne ELLP SD16 Representations on Changes to Policies Map (Adobe pdf documents)
https://www.lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk/media/2075/Eastbourne-ELLP-SD16-Representations-on-Changes-to-Policies-Map/pdf/Eastbourne_ELLP_SD16_Representations_on_Changes_to_Policies_Map.pdf?m=1682687539020Eastbourne Borough Council - Planning Consultations - Employment Land Local Plan - Proposed Submission Version - View Comment Eastbourne Borough Council Regener...
Eastbourne ELLP SD08b Town Centre Inset Map (Adobe pdf documents)
https://www.lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk/media/2083/Eastbourne-ELLP-SD08b-Town-Centre-Inset-Map/pdf/Eastbourne_ELLP_SD08b_Town_Centre_Inset_Map.pdf?m=1682687541690Eastbourne Policies Map - Town Centre Inset Map - RPS-ELLP - Oct 2015 copy ST A N N E'S R O A D ST JAM ES R O AD SOUTH STREET JEVINGTON GARDENS CARLISLE ROAD WI...