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2025 calendars

Waste and recycling calendars for 2025 are now available to download

Electrical items

Any items that have a pluguse batteriesneed charging or have a picture of a crossed-out wheelie bin on, are known as Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE).

These items should not be placed in your household waste or recycling bins and should be recycled at Recycling Centres, electrical item bring banks, or via electrical retailers - visit to find out more.


Postpone upgrading for as long as you can, think twice about getting your new phone or other devices.


Trade-in or recycle your old electrical item when buying new one, recycling parts within e-waste uses considerably less energy than creating new ones.

Recycle - in your household recycling bin

No thank you

Refuse bin

No thank you

Other information

WEEE can be returned to a shop when buying a replacement under the "WEEE take back scheme" for more information visit Drop off your old electricals when you buy new with Retailer takeback ( Alternatively there are charities that wipe and rebuild computers before donating them to people that need them.

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Last modified on 29 January 2025