Councillor praises 'great work' of Community Safety Partnership
A Cabinet councillor has welcomed local Community Safety Partnership activities in helping to make sure Lewes district continues to be a safe place to live.

Councillor Christine Robinson, Cabinet Member for Community Wellbeing, said: "I am grateful for the broad range of great work carried out by the Community Safety Partnership, in collaboration with our partners, that helps to ensure Lewes district remains a low crime area and a great place to live and work."
The CSP has been promoting safe and welcoming spaces to help reduce crime and antisocial behaviour. This has included funding art workshops in Lewes for young people, some of whom had been identified as struggling with school attendance or being at risk of offending or exploitation; supporting the delivery of six community 'cycle register' events by funding 130 bike marking kits; and working with the Sussex Camera Safety Partnership to replace the CCTV network with new technology.
The CSP has also been involved in various initiatives to tackle hate crime, domestic and sexual abuse such as directly funding therapy sessions targeted at referrals from the local domestic abuse survivors' network.
Among its activities to reduce serious violence, the partnership worked with East Sussex County Council's Youth Outreach Team and Wave Leisure to deliver a programme of youth sports activities, engaging young people identified as at risk.
As part of its efforts to lower levels of anti-social driving on the district's roads, the partnership funded three radar speedwatch kits and safety equipment for local residents wishing to set up community Speedwatch groups.
Small grants to support activities and initiatives that set out to tackle crime or anti-social behaviour are available to local residents and community groups. Further information can be found at
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