Newick Parish neighbourhood plan
Download documents for the relevant stages of the Newick Parish neighbourhood development plan below:
Neighbourhood Area Designation Application (Regulation 5 and 6)
Consultation referendum dates
12th July to 24th August 2012
Newick Neighbourhood Plan Neighbourhood Area Designation Application (PDF) [1MB]
Neighbourhood Area Designation (Regulation 7)
Decision notice dates
1st October 2012
Newick Neighbourhood Plan Neighbourhood Area Designation Decision (PDF) [948KB]
Pre-submission (Regulation 14)
Consultation referendum dates
1st April to 16th May 2014
Newick Draft Neighbourhood Plan (PDF) [4MB]
Submission (Regulation 15)
Consultation referendum dates
1st September 2014 to 13th October 2014
Newick Draft Neighbourhood Plan (PDF) [1MB]
Newick Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Statement (PDF) [769KB]
Publicising a Plan Proposal (Regulation 16)
Newick Neighbourhood Plans Basic Conditions Statement (PDF) [353KB]
Newick Neighbourhood Plan Sustainability Appraisal (PDF) [1MB]
Newick Neighbourhood Plan Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report (PDF) [424KB]
Newick Neighbourhood Plan Habitat Regulations Screening Opinion (PDF) [173KB]
Newick Neighbourhood Plan Public Notice (PDF) [203KB]
Publication of Examiner's Report and Decision Statement (Regulation 18)
Newick Neighbourhood Plan Examiner's Report (PDF) [128KB]
Newick Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 18 Decision Statement (PDF) [427KB]
26th February 2015
Newick Neighbourhood Plan Information Statement (PDF) [374KB]
Newick Neighbourhood Plan Referendum Version (PDF) [4MB]
Newick Neighbourhood Plan Voting Information for Referendum (PDF) [405KB]
Newick Neighbourhood Plan Notice of Referendum (PDF) [64KB]
Declaration of Result of Poll - Newick (PDF) [68KB]
Decision on the Plan Proposal (Regulation 19)
22nd July 2015
Newick Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 19 Decision Statement (PDF) [288KB]
Publicising a Neighbourhood Plan (Regulation 20)
Newick Adopted Neighbourhood Plan (PDF) [4MB]