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2025 calendars

Waste and recycling calendars for 2025 are now available to download

Artificial light nuisances

Poorly considered artificial light, or badly aimed light in the wrong place and at the wrong time can cause problems.

Light pollution is any form of artificial light which shines outside the area it needs to light up and interferes with a person's use of their property.

We cannot deal with light from premises used for transport purposes or other places where high levels of light are required for safety or security reasons such as harbours or railways.

How to avoid causing a light nuisance

  • do not fit unnecessary lights or leave them on when they are not needed
  • a 150 watt lamp is suitable for a domestic security light. High power (300/500 watt) lamps are too powerful for domestic security
  • a 9 watt lamp is fine in most cases for a porch light that will be on all night 
  • make sure that lights are correctly adjusted so they only light the area required and do not shine onto neighbours
  • movement sensors should only pick up the movement of people in the area to be lit and not beyond
  • direct light downwards and install shields to shade the light if necessary
  • speak with your neighbours to check your lights are not causing a problem

Light nuisance issues

If you have light nuisance problems in your neighbourhood in the Lewes district or Eastbourne borough, you can report it to us online: 

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Last modified on 08 August 2023